After what turned out to be a rather lengthy hiatus I am back to blogging. Time flies by so quickly and before you know it one, two, three years.... a whole lifetime has gone by. I took what I thought was a short break from blogging and posting articles online turns out a whole two years have gone by. In the intervening period I slowed down on my creative pursuits but still did a few art commissions as well as gifts for family and friends. Now I am back to my creative ventures, my muse burst forth with a vengeance in December last year. Looks like she won’t be silenced anymore. I have notebooks and sketchpads full of ideas just waiting to be brought forth. I was hoping to catch the January wave but I missed it, so I will be starting with February the season of love. Here is a sketch I did in January to start off the New Year on a wave of inspiration. Wishing all of my readers a blessed New Year and a fulfilled life. Look out for the new Love Collection art pieces I am doing for February.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
∼ Henry David Thoreau ∼
Inspirational Art by Injete Chesoni: Live Laugh Love Dance Series (1)