Oil Pastel Figure Art
Love on the Beach Poem
(I am Remembering)
A Romantic Love Poem by Injete Chesoni
I am remembering
Sunsets and blue skies
And your eyes
Gazing into mine
I am remembering
Gentle warm breezes
And sweet kisses
As your lips met mine
I am remembering
The sound of ocean waves
As you whispered sweet nothings
Into my ears
I am remembering
Pitch black nights and starry skies
And your soft sighs
As your thighs met mine
I am remembering
Love As it was
Love on the beach
Click on these links to find out how to plan a romantic beach picnic and create your own memorable, "love on the beach" moment.
From Romantic Love Poems, Beach Poems and Love Poems by Injete Chesoni.
From Romantic Love Poems, Beach Poems and Love Poems by Injete Chesoni.